Detroit Poll Challenger: Poll Worker Entered Illegal Votes

NTD Television

Kristina Karamo was a poll challenger at Detroit’s TCF center. She testified that she saw a poll watcher manually select candidates on contested ballots that had clearly marked votes for more than one candidate in the same race.

“The poll worker then said, ‘I think I’m going to give it to the Democrats.’ That’s absolutely absurd. That is illegal. The vote should have been tossed out. At that moment I said absolutely not, I’m gonna challenge this. So I go get her supervisor.”

Karamo said the supervisor also didn’t enforce the correct legal procedure. She said she then went and got the person overseeing the entire absentee ballot-counting process.

“I ask him, he says to the girl, ‘who do you think?’ It was disgusting. I was enraged and I simply asked the question, I said well, why not give it to the Republicans instead of the Democrats? The gentleman began screaming at me. Began yelling at me. Began telling me that I had no right to talk to her, and he told her to push the ballot through.”

And she said this wasn’t the only time this happened.

“And prior to that, that same poll worker, a ballot came across the adjudication screen where this voter had voted for Joe Biden and the Green Party presidential candidate, and she gave the vote to Joe Biden.”

Karamo said she has written a sworn affidavit, and implied it is part of a lawsuit.

This process of manually entering votes is called adjudication. It’s meant to be used when the machine is unable to read the ballot due to being improperly marked. The poll worker then selects which candidate they think the voter meant to choose.

But digital adjudication has come under recent scrutiny after Attorney Sidney Powell mentioned the digital feature in Dominion’s voting software. She alleged the feature allows for possible fraud.

“The software manual itself, you can download it from the Internet, and I would encourage you all to read it because it specifically advertises some of these things as features of the system. Why it was ever allowed into this county is beyond my comprehension. And why nobody has dealt with it is absolutely appalling,” said Powell.

Even though Dominion states in the manual that the adjudication process is digitally tracked and a scan of the original ballot is kept, concerns over this feature being misused haven’t gone away.